Friday, November 24, 2023

Hunter paid hundreds of dollars for mystery overseas calls made by Joe

"Joe Biden placed hundreds of dollars' worth of overseas calls on a phone line paid for by his son Hunter, according to an email unearthed by
The foreign phone calls were revealed in an AT&T email sent to
Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca consultancy business account on February 18 2018. 
The email, addressed to Joe but sent to Hunter, said that more than $300 had been racked up for overseas phone calls on a number ending 3535, which other texts on Hunter’s abandoned laptop show was being used by his father." DM

Hunter Biden's backer paid off $250k Chinese debt using Joe Biden's address

"Hunter Biden’s apparent benefactor, Kevin Morris, paid off $250,000 the younger Biden owed a Chinese business partner - listing Joe Biden’s Delaware address as the recipient, the House Oversight Committee revealed.
In 2019,
Hunter’s associate Jonathan Li wired him a $250,000 loan, using Joe Biden’s residence as the beneficiary address. Morris, a Hollywood lawyer, later acquired Hunter’s stake in their joint Chinese venture Bohai Harvest RST and “assumed” the debt, per the Committee. “Democrat donor and Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris acquired Hunter Biden’s stake in Bohai Harvest RST (one of Hunter’s China deals) and assumed the debt for Hunter,” the Committee tweeted Monday.
The debt transfer was first reported by Just the News. Morris and Hunter reportedly met at a Joe Biden campaign fundraiser in November 2019.

Previously, Morris paid roughly $2 million of Hunter’s overdue taxes, confirmed by Hunter’s failed guilty plea with the DOJ. 
Hunter’s uncle James Biden even thanked Morris “on behalf of the family,” per a memo.
whistleblower Gary Shapley flagged the payments as potential “campaign finance violations” ignored by the DOJ’s Lesley Wolf, involved in Hunter’s case pre-plea." AP